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I created this podcast to reflect on the things that happen in my life and make healthy changes. In doing so, I hope this podcast allows others to reflect on these topics in their own lives and make healthy changes. I genuinely believe that when we try to make each day better than the day before it by improving ourselves, our lives will be much more fulfilling.

I have chosen not to share my addiction so that anyone struggling with any addiction can experience healing in their marriage by improving themselves and serving their spouse.

Here is a little about myself:
I grew up in an upper-middle-class family where my parents gave us everything we could ever want or need physically. My parents loved me and ensured they were at all my activities. But, as I would learn later, I was emotionally abandoned by these parents who were physically present in my life. In middle school, I turned to addiction to escape reality. I learned I could use addiction to avoid rejection and anything uncomfortable. As I went through high school and college, I became more and more isolated and moved more into my addiction. I met my wife during my junior year in college, and by then, I was so involved in my addiction that I did not care about anybody but myself. I only cared about meeting my needs. It wasn't until our first year of marriage that my wife said something had to change. We started to do individual and marriage counseling. We didn't know anything about recovery at the time, but we both found ourselves getting bad advice from our counselors. Some counselors even tried to tell my wife that my addiction was her fault. After running away to teach English in another country, we decided to move back to our hometown. My addiction had lessened by this time but did not go away. We had waited to have kids to heal from the addiction and, after eight years of marriage, decided we were ready. But, I never did recover from my addiction, and it was still lying there in wait. So, with the new stresses of having a baby, I abandoned my wife emotionally and dove heavily into my addiction. My wife reached a breaking point again, and we decided I needed something more. We paid the extra money to get addiction specialist counselors, and I started attending 12-step groups. That was over nine years ago, and it has only been within the last five years that I have begun to see real success. I know recovery is a lifelong pursuit, not something I ever finish. I have a passion for marriages and thought this podcast would be the perfect way to improve my marriage and meet my love for helping other marriages. Thanks for walking with me on this journey.